Builds operations for any changes in the many-to-many relations of the subjects.
Builds operations for removal of all many-to-many records of all many-to-many relations of the given subject.
Builds operations for a given subject and relation.
by example: subject is "post" entity we are saving here and relation is "categories" inside it here.
Creates identifiers for junction table. Example: { postId: 1, categoryId: 2 }
Generated using TypeDoc
Builds operations needs to be executed for many-to-many relations of the given subjects.
by example: post contains owner many-to-many relation with categories in the property called "categories", e.g. @ManyToMany(type => Category, category => category.posts) categories: Category[] If user adds categories into the post and saves post we need to bind them. This operation requires updation of junction table.